The faces behind
Your Friend, My Friend.

Founders of YFMF

Your Friend, My Friend is Irish owned and run by a husband and wife team.

If you've attended any of our events this year, chances are you've crossed paths with Sam and Eoin. As a husband-wife duo, we're the driving force behind Your Friend, My Friend.

Our mission is to foster connections among people in Ireland, whether it's forging romantic relationships or nurturing friendships, all while building a vibrant community.

Founded in May 2023, YFMF has already brought together over a thousand Dublin singles through our Speed Dating and Singles Nights. We're thrilled to receive heartwarming messages from our participants sharing their dating success stories and enduring relationships formed at our events.

In the News

Within just the first year, Your Friend, My Friend has been featured in various news outlets including, The Limerick Leader, a spotlight on News Talk Radio and a feature in the Life & Style section of The Irish Times.

What people are saying about YFMF

  • The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and Sam & the team were incredibly friendly and attentive. I was slightly nervous at the start but Sam made sure that everyone feels comfortable.


  • The singles night was so much fun with more opportunity to mingle and spend as much time chatting to people as you wanted. It was at the singles night I met a very lovely man who I have been happily dating for 4 weeks now.


  • I had a great experience at one of the Speed Dating events. Such a well organised event and the hosts are super friendly which helped create an excellent atmosphere. Great venue too.
